Saturday, September 22, 2007


There are a couple of surefire conversation starters here in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis are always interesting to hear about money in America. We get questions like “How much does a house cost in America?,” “How much was your plane ticket to get here?,” “How much do teachers make in America?” It always feels a little weird to tell them that our plane ticket cost $1,400. We always have to quickly explain that WE don’t have that kind of money, Peace Corps paid for it. They love to hear that their house would sell for $100,000 if it were in America. They are astonished that teachers make SO MUCH in America!

One of our favorite things to tell them is that a pomegranate costs about $3 in America and that they’re very trendy. Pomegranate (nar) trees grow here like weeds. We drive through huge orchards on our way from Baku to Mingechevir. Every garden has at least one pomegranate tree growing.
The other night our host dad made chicken in a pomegranate sauce. There is always an open pomegranate on the dinner table to munch on for dessert. You can buy pomegranate juice in the store more easily than you can buy orange juice. And it’s not even pomegranate season yet. They say early October is when they get good… We’ll let you know!


Anonymous said...

I LOVE Pomegranites! Remember when we had to buy one at Albertsons? The fruit of the dead!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog! I'm just bad at always leaving a comment....sorry.

I saw Pomegranates at Winco today - they were $2.48, but little. Sounds tasty!

I check your blog daily to see if you've posted anything. I don't know if there's a way to subscribe and get email notifications or anything.

I actually am starting a blog myself. Weird. I figured it's a neat way to keep a journal for scrapbooking and also a way to keep family and friends updated on Finn and life. I'll let you know about it when I get it going.


Anonymous said...

Pomegranites are hard to eat and get the nutrional value. They have vitamins, although they don't sell well for some reason.

Some Senators came on an unofficial visit to PCVs. Who were they? Did they come with the people inspecting the radar base that the admininsrtation won't approve?

Anonymous said...

MMMMM... Pomegranites... I love drinking the juice but it is so darned expensive here. Great antioxidant but don't drink too much or it might clean you out ;)

Love getting to work in the morning and noticing your blog was updated. Got in today and noticed 3 new posts. Been out for 2 weeks, our 2nd little girl Gabriella Rose was born Sept 14th. 5-1/2 lbs

Hope you guys enjoy the "Volunteer" work now that your real life has started there. Good luck, watching for new posts each day!

alicemay said...

wants to know were to buy the fruit not the juicef the POMEGRANITES OR POMEGRANTES can you help me season will be over at the end of november.