Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I think this is a very interesting image. It shows inflation changes from 2007. If you still aren't sure where we are, look for the little orange country right above Iran and to the left of the Caspian Sea. Then look at our fellow orange countries... Iran, Iraq, Venezuela, Myanmar...

I'm not really allowed to give any political opinions on this blog since it's open to the public, but I thought I would share this.
Me and me fellow volunteers have been filling out living allowance surveys, hoping that our monthly stipend will refect the information on this map. For example, last year bread cost 20 qepik. Today it is between 30 and 40. That's a 50% increase! Can you imagine if you went to Safeway today and bread had increased 50%?
On another note, Peace Corps Volunteers in Ukraine are now getting their living allowance in Euros. That doesn't seem right for some reason.
Just something to think about...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

...thinking about it...euros...do they use euros in the Ukraine? Bread...that's suppose to be a staple not a luxury item. Or so I thought.

Debbie (mom)