Wednesday, May 7, 2008

America The Beautiful

Hi everyone! We are enjoying our time here in DC and thought I'd try to update pretty frequently since we have good internet. Since a blog is a very public thing, we won't be posting updates to Carolyn's medical situation on here. She will send out periodic e-mail updates on her situation to friends, family and other interested parties. She sent out an e-mail this morning, so if you did not receive it and would like to be added to the list, please e-mail her at the address to the right. So, with that out of the way, let's talk about fun stuff!

Since our appointments are made with respect to the doctor's availability, it has allowed us some free time to explore the city. Yesterday we were able to go see the White House, Washington Monument, WWII Memorial, Lincoln Memorial and Vietnam Memorial. The Peace Corps office is close to the National Mall, so we were able to walk to all those places.

It's amazing to be in such a historic city to be reintroduced to America. We both realized that living overseas really makes you aware of how great America really is. It also makes you really appreciate the sacrifice that the generations before us and all the soldiers right now are giving to protect our way of life. So, I'd like to thank all of my friends and family who have served and are currently serving in the military.

Secondly, I want to try and keep a list of the little things that make America great and things that we never noticed before we didn't have them. So, here goes the first installation:

  • Transportation: Paved, quiet roads, no honking, yielding to pedestrians, stop lights, clean efficient metro, TAXI METERS, crosswalks, sidewalks.
  • Grocery Stores: What do you mean I don't have to go to 5 different stores to get dinner?
  • Food Delivery: Yeah, I can get used to this.Hot running water whenever you want it. No waiting for the water to heat up to take a shower. And you can drink it to boot!
  • Toilet paper and flush toliets...EVERYWHERE!
  • Friendly strangers (not that they weren't in AZ, it's just different)

Well, that's about it for now, I can't wait to have more to write about today!


Anonymous said...

Remember this? Taxi ride: "20 manat, no wait, 50 manat, no wait, 100 manat"


Debbie (Eugene)

Unknown said...

Hey Guys! It's so cool that you are getting this much needed "break" from the Peace Corps! We're praying for your health, Carolyn, and for the doctors to figure things out quickly. (: We miss you guys!