Sunday, February 10, 2008


This weekend we had some of our friends over for dinner, a movie and games! I made chili and cornbread, and they were quite a hit! I love it when I am able to make things that taste like America... comfort food has a whole new meaning!

Here is Nate, Aiching, Jody and Jesse curled up on our sofa enjoying some TV of DVD.
This is Mike, cornbread and Jesse.
Kate likes chili! Nate likes cameras!
Aiching and Jody adding the secret ingredient to our home-made khalua... powdered vanilla... actually powdered vanilla is kind of lame, but it's all we have here in Azerbaijan! Jesse, me, Jody and Nate after watching The Kite Runner... It was a very good film (not even close to the book, which I just read last week), and it was really interesting to see the similarities between Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. They use many of the same words we do (beli, jan, bibi, inshallah, mashallah, baba.... ), and there some cultural things that were hilarous. I'm sure if we had been in a theatre in America, people would have thought we were crazy because we laughed at a lot things that we're necessarily funny if you didn't understand the culture from which it came. Anyway, it was a good film, but read the book first.
We watched the Obama "Yes We Can" speech song about 10 times. I still haven't decided for whom I will vote, but this is a very impressive song and speech. It's a very powerful message he is presenting, that's for sure. Hopefully whoever wins in November will have the ability to bring our nation together better than the past few presidents. That's my hope.
Here's the gallon of khalua we have in our closet now. I hope it lasts for a while... :)
Consider our house warmed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad the house is all warmed up for our visit!
See you soon!

Love, Mom (D)

ps. Steve wonders what you are telling people about that picture of the canoe in the middle of the river.